16 October 2011

Sweet Nostalgia, Issue #004: Mint-Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, this is pretty straight forward.  With the assistance of fellow internet person Hooded Creature, I attempted to recreate the Oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies I made last Spring, but with mint Oreos!

They. . . didn't come out quite as planned. . .

Okay. . . I admit. . . she pretty much took over the heavy mixing.




The dough, at least, was delicious.

They -look- good. . .

A little too. . . dry. . . and bready. . .

Pictured: defeat.
So.  The first time I made them I followed the Nestle Tollhouse recipe for the cookie dough.  This time we used the recipe packaged with the idea. . . and something went horribly wrong.  They took about twice as long to bake, and baked out dry and crumbly rather than gooey and chewy.  They're still edible. . . but. . . not spectacular.  I want to stress this for all you kids at home: for the chocolate chip cookie dough, just use whatever recipe you normally do.  Trust me.

On a quasi related note, whoever invented mint Oreos is a genius!

An addendum: I leave baking soda out of any and all cookie recipes I use.  That might have been the source of this experiment's failure.  I can say, however, that leaving this ingredient out of Nestle Tollhouse cookies results in delicious.

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